Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

This is the 2nd episode of the "Lord of the Rings."  Sauron's army is growing.  Saruman on the other hand together with his forces the Uruk Hai is getting ready to launch an attack against Rohan. The fellowship has gained a few allies from the old alliance of men and elves.  Frodo and Sam found Gollum and led them the way towards Mount doom.  Gandalf is now back in action after surviving the battle againts Balrog, he is no known, Gandalf the White.

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The most exciting part of this story is the "Battle of Helm's Deep."  Urukhai with 10,000 strong against Rohan with 300 men!  While waiting for the enemy, Haldir led a batallion of Elves to fight alongside men. Gandalf is on his way looking for the Rohirim riders.  The battle begins by releasing arrows from men and Elves killing dozens of Uruk Hai. But the forces of enemy is way too many that defences has been breached. Just as when everything seems lost, Gandalf and Eomer arrived with 2000 Riders pushed back the enemy back to the forest of Hourns.  The Ents attacked Isengard to seek revenge on Saruman's betrayal. In the end they collapsed a dam annihilating Uruk Hai forces under the command of Saruman. Frodo was confronted by a Righwraith in Osgiliath but he was saved by Sam. Faramir who captured the two Hobbits finally decided to free them.

This episode is definitely better than the 1st.  The peak of the story is there with a great victory in the end.  This is where the "Lord of the Rings" drew a lot of fans young and old. There were boring parts though.  The meeting of the Ents was really boring and the part where Eowyn is trying to show her love for Aragorn.  Overall it's a  must see movie.


Elijah Wood... Frodo Baggins
Sean Astin... Samwise 'Sam' Gamgee
Sean Bean... Boromir
Cate Blanchett... Galadriel
Orlando Bloom... Legolas Greenleaf
Billy Boyd... Peregrin 'Pippin' Took
Marton Csokas... Celeborn
Ian Holm... Bilbo Baggins
Christopher Lee... Saruman
Lawrence Makoare... Lurtz
Andy Serkis... Gollum
Brent McIntyre... Witch-King
Ian McKellen... Gandalf the white
Sarah McLeod... Rose 'Rosie' Cotton
Dominic Monaghan... Meriadoc 'Merry' Brandybuck
Viggo Mortensen... Aragorn
Ian Mune... Bounder
Craig Parker...         Haldir
Cameron Rhodes... Farmer Maggot
John Rhys-Davies... Gimli
Martyn Sanderson... Gate Keeper
Harry Sinclair... Isildur
Liv Tyler... Arwen
David Weatherley... Barliman Butterbur
Hugo Weaving... Elrond
John Bach... Madril
Brad Dourif... Grima Wormtongue
Bernard Hill...           Theoden
Miranda Otto... Eowyn
Karl Urban... Eomer

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