The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

The story of this episode started on a flash back where Smeagol murdered his friend for the ring. Cast away by his community, he suffered a lot and turned into a creature known as Gollum. Moving forward in the story, Gollum led Frodo and Sam in the shortcut going to Mount Doom.

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Aragorn with the rest of the Fellowship of the Ring joined by King Theoden and his Rohirims, enjoyed a brief taste of victory from the Battle of Helm's Deep and in Isengard. Gondorians by this time is suffering heavy losses in Osgiliath. Aragorn realizes that they need to aid Gondor, he convinced Theoden to ride with him.

On the way to Gondor, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli went to Dimholt so they can get help from the undead. Before Minas Tirith fall before the enemies, Rohan arrived just in time and crushed the forces of Orcs. But Mordor has another surprise, the Mumakil. This was countered by the forces of undead brought by Aragorn. They then marched towards Mordor to distract the eye of Sauron and the Orcs.

 Frodo was able to destroy the ring vanquishing the Eye of Sauron once and for all. In the end, Aragorn was crowned King of Gondor. Amongst the three episode, this was the most exciting part. It's really like "good conquering evil." overall the 3 episodes of Lord of the Rings are great movies and perfect for families. Though parental guidance is advised, it is still one of the greatest movies of all times.


Elijah Wood... Frodo Baggins
Sean Astin... Samwise 'Sam' Gamgee
Sean Bean... Boromir
Cate Blanchett... Galadriel
Orlando Bloom... Legolas
Greenleaf Billy Boyd... Peregrin 'Pippin' Took
Marton Csokas... Celeborn
Ian Holm... Bilbo Baggins
Christopher Lee... Saruman
Lawrence Makoare... Lurtz
Andy Serkis... Gollum
Brent McIntyre... Witch-King
Ian McKellen... Gandalf the white
Sarah McLeod... Rose 'Rosie' Cotton
Dominic Monaghan... Meriadoc 'Merry' Brandybuck
Viggo Mortensen... Aragorn
Ian Mune... Bounder
Craig Parker... Haldir
Cameron Rhodes... Farmer
Maggot John Rhys-Davies... Gimli
Martyn Sanderson... Gate Keeper
Harry Sinclair... Isildur
Liv Tyler... Arwen
David Weatherley... Barliman
Butterbur Hugo Weaving... Elrond
John Bach... Madril
 Brad Dourif... Grima Wormtongue
 Bernard Hill... Theoden
Miranda Otto... Eowyn
Karl Urban... Eomer
David Wenham... Faramir

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